Sunday, November 27, 2011

Livre: "La Route du Vin de Porto" - Nouveau point de vente à Porto


Chez Jean-Philippe Duhard
Un excellent accueil et des vins exceptionnels,
à deux pas des quais du Douro à Ribeira.

Un coin à ne pas manquer lors de votre visite à Porto...

Rua São João, 46
P - 4050 PORTO

Monday, November 14, 2011

Naturalia | Museu da Imagem, Braga | 17 Nov 2011

photography exhibition
50 platinum / palladium prints

Museu da Imagem and José Miguel Ferreira
welcome you to the opening of “Naturalia”,
Thursday, November 17th, 6h00 p.m

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Portfolio : Alea


, which derives from the Latin word "Alea", is the incorporation of chance in the process of art creation

These images are from a selection of 4x5in negatives that were exposed and developed between 2000 and 2003, but had never been printed. this ongoing project is now being contact printed on 8x10in cotton paper in platinum / palladium.

These prints are sold directly by the author. For price and information, please contact.